Thursday, July 26, 2018

WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Email Plugin, Recover Abandoned Carts (Download)

WooCommerce Abandoned Cart plugin automatically sends an email reminder to users about their incomplete purchases. You can add discount coupons along with abandoned cart emails to encourage your potential customers to complete their purchase. Review performance report and product conversions to evaluate the success rate of retargeting users with abandoned carts.

  • Send Multiple Email Reminders to Customers

  • Send Automatic & Manual Email Reminders

  • Send Direct Cart Link in Email Reminder

  • Automatically Add Discount Coupon in Email

  • Option to Offer Fixed / Percentage Discount or Free Shipping

  • Tracks Guest Abandoned Carts

  • Create Multiple Email Templates

  • Get Notification for Unfinished and Recovered Carts

  • Track Results (Thanks to advance Performance Report)

Send Multiple WooComemrce Abandoned Cart Reminders

WooCommerce Abandoned Cart plugin helps you sending out multiple reminders to your potential buyers. The customization options allow you to configure an email template and content that better suit your business needs.

WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Reminder Email Example

Compose Multiple Abandoned Cart Email Templates

WooCommerce cart abandonment helps you to create a variation of email templates with customized subject and body content that are addressed to different users. This helps you mold an email message and make it more effective in reaching out to a target user.

WooCommerce Abandoned Cart  Email templates

Send Reminder Emails with Discount or Free Shipping

WooCommerce Abandoned cart reminder plugin allows you to automate notifying the users who have left the carts incomplete. You can set a time i.e. 5 minutes or an hour to shoot out the reminder email along with a discount. Encourage the users to finish the purchase with cart discount or free shipping.

  • Configure time to auto send reminder emails

  • Offer free shipping or cart discount that is fixed or percentage

  • Set the number of times to send a reminder

WooCommerce Abandoned Cart  Email with discount & free shipping example

Review Performance Reports to Evaluate Success Rate

WooCommerce Abandoned cart reminder plugin is equipped with performance reports to help you evaluate the success rate of the reminder emails. You can review the total number order recovered against the total number of cart abandonment.

WooCommerce Abandoned Cart  Report example

Get Notified about Abandoned or Recovered Carts

You can configure email notification settings to get alerts when a user leaves the cart unfinished or return to complete the abandoned cart. Get timely emails to take promotional steps when a user leaves without checking out the cart.

WooCommerce Abandoned Cart  Notication setting screenshot

Track Guest Abandoned Carts As Well

In addition to the registered users, you can track abandoned carts of the guest users as well. WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Reminder plugin allows you to re-target the guest users of your website and turn them into customers. Additionally, you can define a cut off time for the abandoned carts.

WooCommerce Guest Abandoned Cart example

Manually Send Unfinished Cart Reminders

Enjoy the flexibility of sending incomplete cart reminder email manually or automatically. You can get the user information from the plugin, customize the email template, and send it manually to the users. Personalizing emails for manual reminders may yield higher results for your campaigns.

WooCommerce Abandoned Cart manual email sending option

See What Customers Says About Our Products

Additional Features of WooCommerce Recover Abandoned Cart

  • A complete list of Abandoned Carts to view or delete

  • Recovery Cart List to evaluate users’ response

  • Email Sent List to review the reminder automation activity

  • Product Reports List to view which products are abandoned the most

  • Email notification settings for the end users

Price: $39
Sales: Total


Download Here

1 comment:

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